Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (2024)

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (1)

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (2)Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (3)

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (4)

nearby in Aston Clinton, near Aylesbury

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (5)Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (6)

Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (7)

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2024 AGM Minutes

2024 AGM Minutes
Item 1Welcome
The Chair, Mary Baker welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Apologies were received from:
Fiona Scriven, Mike Francis, Erika Strider, Jonathan Seabrook, Martin Wright, Angela Manders, David McAleavy, Maureen Summersgill.
Item 2Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Monday 24th April 2023.
The minutes were on the website for members to read in advance.
The minutes were accepted as a correct record. Proposed by Richard Plummer and seconded by Carol Harris.
Item 3Chair’s Report
The chair read from the yearly report. To summarise: -
  1. Mary thanked the committee for all their support
  2. Gill Griggs, Secretary of 14 years has resigned. The Chair thanked Gill for her brilliant support and on behalf of the club gave her a thank you gift of £100 M&S Vouchers and a bouquet of flowers. The club received a thankyou card from Gill
  3. Lesley wright agreed to take the minutes at the meeting
  4. Mary indicated the last year had gone well with a healthy membership, attendance and bank balance
  5. Thanks to all who have supported the club during the year including Steve Elms and Ashley Green Bridge Club for providing access to Real Bridge on a club night
Item 4Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer’s report has been on the website prior to the meeting. Steve Marshall summarised the report and indicated: -
  1. The club was in a strong financial position
  2. memberships had declined in recent years but due to the healthy financial position the plan was to use the excess finances of the club to keep fees at a low level where possible. This might also encourage new members to join
Item 5Resolution to Change the Constitution
The changes to the Constitution were approved and Steve Elms proposed and Liz Temple seconded the changes.
Item 6Election of Committee
  1. Mary and all the committee, bar Gill volunteered to continue on the committee into this next year. This was proposed by Brenda Alsagoff and seconded by Sue Mercer
  2. Secretary – Lesley Wright volunteered to serve as secretary and the vote was proposed by Nikki Smith and seconded by Richard Clark
Item 7Election of Auditor Mrs Suzie Walton
The accounts have been signed off by the auditor and Steve Marshall expressed his thanks and proposed a small token of appreciation be given. Steve Elms seconded the proposal.
Item 8Equipment Purchase
It was agreed that no equipment was required at the moment
Item 9Diary Dates
  1. Christmas Party Monday 9th December 2024
  2. Local Charity Event 24th June or 1st July.
  3. Children in Need Monday 11th November 2024
  4. Members were requested to put forward names of Charities to Mary that they wish to be considered
Item 10League of 8. Captains Mary Baker, David Barker, Carol Harris
The captains were thanked for their efforts in organising the League of 8. The fee to participate had increased to £80 for each team. The committee felt the increase was reasonable hence the League of 8 would continue with all three teams
Members were requested that if they wish to take part in the league that they contact a Team Captain
Item 11Any Other Business
  1. Stoke Mandeville Bridge Weekend. There had been some interest in the weekend. Mary indicated they would need approximately 32 people to make it work. Further exploration required. Lesley to explore potential venues and costs and feed back to the committee
  2. Biscuits – a vote was taken on whether to supply biscuits on club night. Some members indicated they would value the provision of biscuits on the night whilst the majority of members did not offer any response. It was agreed after the meeting to put a range of biscuits, (NOT sticky/chocolate - to protect the cards) out for all our members. Biscuits will be provided from May
  3. Earlier Start Time. Some members requested an earlier start time. A vote was held and no members had any objection or problem to starting play at 1915 hrs. Comments were made that we currently aim to start at 1920hrs, so what did 5 minutes make? Other comments were some might find it difficult based on work/other commitments. Committee to seek opinions from all members who attended and did not attend the AGM by sending out a survey and then the committee will decide what they feel is best for the club.
  4. Thank you to the Chairman and the Committee for their excellent work throughout the year was given by Carol Harris on behalf of all club members




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Stoke Mandeville Bridge Club, Aylesbury, Stoke Mandeville, Aston Clinton, Wendover, Tring, Bucks, Beds, Herts, UK (2024)
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