Magnify Analytic Solutions Provides Fortune 100 Customers with a 360-Degree Customer View Using a Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (2024)

PALO ALTO, Calif., March 18, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudera,the leader in enterprise analytic data management powered byApache Hadoop™, today announced that Magnify Analytic Solutions- a wholly-owned division of Detroit, Michigan-based MarketingAssociates, has deployed a Cloudera enterprise data hub (EDH) tomeet the growing demands of its Fortune 100 customer base. Throughtechnology-driven data analysis, Magnify has increased its abilityto deliver a 360-degree customer view that informs the businessdecisions of its blue-chip portfolio of clients including BMWFinancial Services, Comcast, Ford Motor Company, Jaguar Cars, TDBank, and Whirlpool.

Magnify has historically relied on its legacy RDBMS environmentto process large datasets for customers to support a variety ofdeliverables such as business to consumer (B2C) online marketingcontests and product giveaways, executing 150 of these campaigns inthe last year, and driving hundreds of thousands of conversions. Asingle campaign can generate as many as 200,000 hits in the firstminute, presenting a Big Data challenge.

"Web event data must be effectively collected, processed, andanalyzed within seconds of launching to derive consumer insights inorder for a campaign to be worthwhile," said Andy Frey, chiefinformation officer for Magnify. "From a cost standpoint, it'sequally imperative to control how much processing power will berequired and for how long. When campaigns launch simultaneously,the volume of combined responses can literally shut down a datacenter."

As Magnify looked to expand its central data repository to takeon more data types from more data sources, it quickly saw the needfor a Big Data platform that would complement the RDBMSenvironment. The Big Data infrastructure needed to provide elasticflexibility and scalability to handle massive, short-term spikes indemand coupled with the ability to manage and manipulate huge datavolumes from many sources.

"Our legacy systems relied on data being organized andrestructured over time to support the programs we were building,"said Frey. "Query times began to slow because data wasn't optimizedto accommodate our evolving use cases. We sought a solution thatcould satisfy these new demands while integrating with our existingenvironment. We really liked what Hadoop had to offer and quicklyrealized that an enterprise data hub would open new opportunitiesto leverage data for our clients while providing the agility weneeded."

"Today's technology infrastructure must be agile, adaptable, andcost effective to run in order to accelerate and accommodate newproduction environments," said Alan Saldich, vice president ofmarketing, Cloudera." We can effectively add a whole new dimensionto data discovery, and at the same time optimize query performance,with Hadoop -- it's the underlying engine for all things BigData."

In evaluating the various Hadoop distributions, Cloudera Managerbecame a major differentiator. Its ease-of-use dramatically reducedthe team's learning curve in adopting Hadoop. Cost was also asignificant factor. The team modeled a full-scale implementation ofa production environment for one of its Fortune 100 clients andincluded licensing expenses, accounting for future growth.

"We determined that by purchasing Cloudera Enterprise, Data HubEdition and everything else we needed for our development,production, and QA environments, we would be readily equipped toaddress our needs today and to easily scale our infrastructure forthe future, at a lower total cost of ownership than the currentinfrastructure along," said Frey.

Other key considerations included:

  • Reduced security risk - With most of Magnify'sclients being in the Fortune 100, this was a key requirement.Cloudera is the only enterprise data management provider thatprotects all data and metadata in motion and at rest across theentire Hadoop stack and within the Hadoop Distributed File System(HDFS). Cloudera's deep involvement in Project Rhino with ApacheSentry™, its acquisition of Gazzang, and the launch of the ClouderaCenter for Security Excellence makes the company the leader in dataprotection-providing comprehensive security, governance, andcompliance for Big Data.
  • Faster time to value - Magnify wanted to 'getit right the first time' and Cloudera Professional Services'expertise enabled Magnify to achieve this. The knowledgeaccumulated in the implementation process is now a valuablein-house asset.
  • Improved query performance - By deployingImpala, the leading analytic open source database for Hadoop thatallows for self-service data discovery, Magnify is offering clientsa web-based solution through which they interact directly withHadoop.

Today, data moves between the enterprise data hub and Magnify'srelational data warehouse using Apache Sqoop or Apache Flume.Magnify users have the option to interact with the data hub using avariety of tools, preferences and skill sets, including ApacheHive, Apache Pig, Cloudera Search, Impala, SAS (which leverages theSAS/ACCESS Interface to Impala), and Tableau. Magnify can nowdeliver the flexibility, agility, and fast time to value forcustomers' brand campaigns all with the security their clientsrequire.

To learn more, view the Magnify success story:

About Cloudera

Cloudera is revolutionizing enterprise data management byoffering the first unified Platform for Big Data, an enterprisedata hub built on Apache Hadoop. Cloudera offers enterprises oneplace to store, access, process, secure, and analyze all theirdata, empowering them to extend the value of existing investmentswhile enabling fundamental new ways to derive value from theirdata. Cloudera's open source Big Data platform is the most widelyadopted in the world, and Cloudera is the most prolific contributorto the open source Hadoop ecosystem. As the leading educator ofHadoop professionals, Cloudera has trained over 30,000 individualsworldwide. Over 1,450 partners and a seasoned professional servicesteam help deliver greater time to value. Finally, only Clouderaprovides proactive and predictive support to run an enterprise datahub with confidence. Leading organizations in every industry plustop public sector organizations globally run Cloudera inproduction.

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Cloudera, Cloudera's Platform for Big Data, ClouderaEnterprise Data Hub Edition, Cloudera Enterprise Flex Edition,Cloudera Enterprise Basic Edition andCDH aretrademarks or registered trademarks of Cloudera Inc. in the UnitedStates, and in jurisdictions throughout the world. All othercompany and product names may be trade names or trademarks of theirrespective owners.


CONTACT: Deborah Wiltshire Cloudera +1 (650) 644-3900 ext. 5907

Magnify Analytic Solutions Provides Fortune 100 Customers with a 360-Degree Customer View Using a Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (1)

Magnify Analytic Solutions Provides Fortune 100 Customers with a 360-Degree Customer View Using a Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (2)

Magnify Analytic Solutions Provides Fortune 100 Customers with a 360-Degree Customer View Using a Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub (2024)
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